Julien Zhou

I am a Phd student at Inria Grenoble-Alpes and Criteo AI Lab.
I work under the supervision of Julyan Arbel (Inria Statify), Pierre Gaillard (Inria Thoth), and Thibaud Rahier (Criteo AI Lab).

I am doing Theoretical Machine Learning, Optimization, Probability, Statistics.
My current research is focused on Online Learning, Bandits Theory and recently, some aspects of Game Theory. I like theoretical guarantees (but also do some numerical experiments from time to time).

I am always happy to learn new things and I am interested in everything.
CV Here!


  • International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML2024), 21/07/2024-27/07/2024
  • JournĂ©es de Statistique de la SFdS, 27/05/2024-31/05/2024
  • Reinforcement Learning Summer School, 26/06/2023-05/07/2023


Always interested in potential opportunities, new subjects, discussions, memes…